Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Brings a Whole New Meaning to Scent of a Woman

The Hot Movies blog (shameless plug) wrote about this the other day and I was so curious that needed to check it out for my self. You know how sometimes you can't figure out if something is a joke or not? Well, I'm stumped. It seriously looks like a joke, but for some reason, I don't think that it is.

Vulva Original. Apparently someone somewhere wants to smell like a vagina… a fake vagina… on their hand. Sure, the smell of sex is hot. And yeah, smelling vagina on your hands after having them in one is a good time. But I don't know if I could get down with putting a drop of fake vagina on the back of my hand and rubbing it in. From the website, it supposedly "immediately intensifies your erotic fantasies and starts the film rolling in your head…" Tag Line: Breathe in and enjoy, anytime, anywhere, the odour of a beautiful woman.

Alright, I really do get why this would be hot. The concept at least, if not the actual product. What creeps me out is the repeated warnings of only using a drop. Seriously - only. a. drop. The website says that Vulva Original is very concentrated and kinda makes it seem like it could be fairly iffy to apply in gobs. And there are all these notes to not drink it. Or introduce it into any body orifice or have it come in contact with any mucous membrane. Ew. Who's drinking this stuff? (Though someone probably did, hence the warning.)

Anyway, just my opinion of course. But still, it's a little fishy… and no, no gross vagina pun intended here. So, joke or not, the true question is: what's the deal? Does this product actually do anything? And is anyone buying it?

If anyone has tried it or smelled it or anything, comment back! I'm so curious to know more!

J.D. Bauchery

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