Wednesday, December 6, 2006


As many of you may know (since I *did* post a blog about it last week), today, December 6th, 2006, is free EC (emergency contraception) at all Planned Parenthoodss (except Nebraska, they will be hosting their free EC day in the spring). Well, as intelligent, fun loving, and safer-sex having (as well as super prepared) women, we (Essin' Em and Venus Vegas) decided during our lunch break to take a field trip to our local Planned Parenthood, through the chilly weather, to get our little hands on some free EC (which is now available OTC in most drug stores, but can be more than $40 a shot!), in case of emergencies (either our own, or those of our fabulous female friends). We even took our boss with us, so he could get the full experience.

Firstly, can I say how much it warms the cockles of my heart to see people's partners waiting with them in Planned Parenthood? Everyone should be involved in the contraception/birth control process, and show support for their partners.

Anyways, after a little bit of paper work to make sure we were at least 18 (it's on FDA approve for those 18 and over), and a quick chat with the RN to make sure we understood what it was and how to use it, we were the proud possessors of some Emergency Contraception in case of an emergency.

What a field trip :) And it helped that we got to stop and grab coffee (well, I'm more of a carmel apple cider girl myself) on the way back to the office.

Wishing you the best of luck in your exploits, and that you never have to use EC, but that you have it available,

Essin' Em

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