Tuesday, November 27, 2007

2008 Sex-Positive Journalism Awards

Finally, good sexuality news writing is getting the recognition it deserves! Brand spankin' new for 2008 is the Sex-Positive Journalism Awards (the "Sexies")!

Responding to all the crappy, sensationalized reporting, as well as the general state of things,
the National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, the Center for Sex and Culture, Babeland, and journalist Miriam Axel-Lute created the Sexies to promote fair and accurate coverage of sexual topics. How cool is that!! Plus, the panel of judges is made up of some of the best sex writers in the field, including Dan Savage and Carol Queen.

One of the best things about the Sexies is that readers can submit articles they believe to embody the spirit of sex positive journalism! Having nominations open for the general public to submit is so awesome because it follows the point of journalism in the first place - to disseminate information to the masses. And what better way to get the masses opinion of what they believe to be good journalism than to ask them to join in with nominations.

So, keep the Sexies in mind as you're sipping your coffee and reading the paper, or while you're trolling the Internet instead of doing your work (not that I know anyone who does that...). Submission must be in by March 2008. You have plenty of time to enter a piece - no excuses! Take control of what you read by letting everyone know who you think is an awesome sex positive writer!

Check out the nominee criteria.

-J.D. Bauchery

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