Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Are You There God? It's Me Flickr

With yesterday's blog on female hysteria and sexual dysfunction, it's nice to see a people actually talking about women's bodies and health... well, in a roundabout way.

Yesterday our fav. trash-talkin' blog queens at Jezebel wrote up a blurb about No So Fresh Feeling, the Flickr group that post pictures related to anything have to do with being on the rag, riding the crimson tide, Aunt Flo a-visiting, and any other euphamisim you can think of for mestruation. Lots of really funny and creative pics - including the one posted above and these totally awesome buttons that I desperately want. (Feel free to send them to me. No, really.)

(flickr via Jezebel)

-J.D. Bauchery

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