There are many words that you may stumble upon while trolling for porn that are foreign to you. Some of them are exclusive to the dirty reality we live in, some words mean something completely different in the context of an adult film than they do in the real world, and some may actually be foreign. In an effort to help you find movies that will get you off and impress your boyfriend with your crazy porn knowledge, the lovely ladies of Hm4her would like to introduce our new weekly post, The Hump Day Word of the Week!
Our goal is to educate the masses and explain why we giggle every time you mention the convenience of an ATM. In the end, hopefully you’ll be better able to find the kind of porn you want to see, because trust me, if you can imagine it, it’s out there. If there’s something that needs explainin’ let us know and we’ll do our best to help you out, dear readers.
Now for today’s word: Looner
I grew up in the part of New York that might as well be Canada, so the first time I saw the word “looner” in a movie title, I couldn’t for the life of me figure what role Canadian money could possibly have in a porno. Loonie, Canada’s bronze-plated one dollar coin, was the only reference point I had and I sure was confused. It turns out that a looner is actually a balloon fetishist - and that, of course, can manifest itself in a million different ways!
Balloon fetishism is a sexual fetishist in which a person has an unusual fascination of, or pertaining to, balloons, which provides sexual arousal or stimulation. Many persons with this fetish casually refer to themselves as looners (from Ballooners). The fetish itself varies greatly from person to person, some people enjoy only the act of inflation itself or viewing members of their desired sex inflating balloons, while others enjoy the act of popping by various means, while yet others simply find stimulation in the color, clarity, smell, tactile sense, sound, and movement of the balloon itself. There are several known female balloon fetishists, however the vast majority is made up of men. – Wikipedia
Read more about this fetish at wikipedia.
Starting Wednesday with a Bang,
The Porn Librarian
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