Thursday, January 17, 2008

Joanna Angel: Airing Her Dirty Laundry

I have no idea why alt porn star and co-founder of Burning Angel, Joanna Angel, is writing about doing her laundry. I can't even begin to think of a coherent transition to talking about dirty clothes... well, I can actually, especially for a porn star, but really, not the point.

I’m great at laundry, but I wasn’t born a laundress. It’s a learned skill.

I’m a big believer in the importance of proper spin speeds.I never did any laundry as a kid. My mother did it all for me. In fact, when I was in college, I’d save up my laundry for two months and bring it all home to her. But then I started dating a girl who did my laundry and she taught me the basics.

Doing laundry is very zen. It’s a very big process, but one that pays big dividends. I was able to convince my current boyfriend to date me because I started doing his laundry.
It would come out so amazingly soft and bouncy that it made a guy who said didn’t want a girlfriend to decide that, maybe, he did.
Find out all about the fabric softner here. (via

Hmmm, and I always though that doing laundry was just a pain in the ass. As relaxing as Jonanna makes it sound, I still refuse to sort sort aything! I'm just not that hot.

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