Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Jodie Foster + The Porn Librarian = BFF

Originally I thought that Ms. Foster and I just had Yale in common; she graduated magna cum laude and I cut through campus to get to my favorite bar. However, it turns out we have a much stronger connection than I could have imagined. That's right, both Jodie Foster and myself were made gay by Danny Bonaduce. I mean, I knew I couldn't be the only one that was completely turned off of men by the guy, but I never knew that his powers extended so far up the lesbian social ladder. I imagine after this breaking news, thousands of lesbians will come out and admit that they had never even considered picking up a softball bat before being exposed to the former child actor.

Read the ridiculous quote from Bonaduce over on Queerty.

-The Porn Librarian

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