Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ron Jeremy Dropping Knowlege On Your Ass

Over at HotMovies The Blog Ron Jeremy's latest review is on Soulja Boy's infectious piece of crap "Crank That." I have to agree with his assessment of this pop culture phenom, brilliant and hilarious.

And just when you think this is just an old white dude mocking something he doesn't get, he hits you with a truth bomb. That's right, did you ever stop to think about the lyrics? I know the Philadelphia school my friend works for didn't when they taught all of their teachers this dance as a way to relate to the kids..."Supersoak that Ho" probably doesn't need any explanation, but Jeremy breaks down the phrase "Superman that Ho" for those of you who don't think this is a dirty and degrading chorus.

With so much inspiring music coming out of the hip-hop community, it's a shame that this is what's popular.

Check out flypaper by K-os. This is a weird fan video, but it's the only one I can find for a great song.

Word to Yo Mutha,
-The Porn Librarian

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