Monday, June 18, 2007

Holy Howard Stern!

You're not going to believe this, but guess who is going on The Howard Stern Show?


Yeah. I'm totally not kidding. I, Essin' Em, will be going on Howard Stern's show this Thursday to support our big brother It's going to be an interesting trip. HotMovie's is sponsoring the Miss Tranny Contest, and we'll be attending (and by we, I mean myself, James Hotmovies and our new intern Drew. His first week here, and we're corrupting him already).

You may ask why I'm going on the show of someone known for being not the most sex-positive person out there. He's a shock jock, it's true. But it's important for people, including this shock jock, to realize that women DO like porn. We make it, we read it, we watch it, we love it. Women are sexual beings too, and not in an objectifying sense...we have wants and needs, and we here at do our best to meet those.

Am I nervous? A little. Am I worried he might misconstrue the things I say? Certainly. Will he ask me to ride the sybian? Probably. It might not be the best and most warm and fuzzy experience of my life. But it will be an experience, and if I can get out the word that women like porn too, and that we are not here to be sex objects, to even just a few of his listeners, it will have been all in a day's work for this tiresless sexpert.

Wish me luck, and tune in if you'd like :)

-Essin' Em