Friday, June 15, 2007

Hurray for the boobies!

They're sexy, they're sultry, and they love breasts. So much in fact, that they've decided to take a stand against breast cancer...while accepting that breasts can be and are in fact sexual.

Breast Awareness Benefits Everyone!

b.a.b.e. is a non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to furthering awareness about breast cancer, changing people’s perceptions of the disease, and supporting those researchers working to eliminate breast cancer as a life-threatening disease.

The b.a.b.e. Approach – Why we are Different
At b.a.b.e. we don’t ignore the issue of breasts as sex objects; we embrace it. We harness the power and the allure of breasts to draw support from previously untapped sources. In its effort to promote the breast, b.a.b.e. targets the most successful supporters of breasts, men, as its primary source of funding and support.

b.a.b.e. is the only advocacy organization working to create such a team of
non-traditional sponsors and supporters in the fight against breast cancer.

Join the b.a.b.e. team. There is nothing sexier than a hero.
One in eight women will develop breast cancer. Think about that in relation to your wife, girlfriend, sister, mother, favorite adult star. b.a.b.e. is committed to funding breast cancer research and educational programs, especially in the areas of early detection and prevention.

It’s all to keep breasts bouncing!

So hurray for boobies! Anyone want to help give me an exam?

Essin' Em

Hop on the bandwangon and help support the breasts!

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