Thursday, March 15, 2007

The G-spot is not longer alone!

***I actually met Beverly Whipple this fall for class, and she is one of the neatest, smartest and wittiest ladies that I have ever met...and she sure knows her sex stufff! - Essin' Em***

Sexuality researcher Beverly Whipple made her name a quarter century ago popularizing the "G spot," the elusive female erogenous zone, but she has a different message these days: Move on.

"There's so many ways that women can have sexual pleasure," Whipple said. "We can't deny the experiences of women. We have to validate them."


Her book documents groundbreaking work showing that, contrary to what doctors tell them, some women with spinal cord injuries can still climax. Whipple said women with such injuries who were still experiencing orgasm came to her for support, so she began a study of others with the same injury.

"One woman had six orgasms in 24 minutes," after none in the two years since her injury, Whipple recalled. "She was crying. I was crying."

Interested so far? Read more at The Courier News

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