Thursday, March 15, 2007

Movie Review: Atomic Vixens

Atomic Vixens

Watch the Video

Studio: VCA Category: Features

Fembots, superspies, girls with braces and an evil organization plotting to destroy the world! Ron Royster’s vision of 50s style comic book vixens who use their, erm, womanly wiles to get the job done. Extremely pretty styling and in-depth sets for a porno flick, and a storyline where beautiful spies are getting off left and right in a race to save the world from L.I.M.P. Oh no, the astroradio isn’t working! Two fembots play around with each others’ off buttons in an effort to fix it (note: the airbrush scene… do NOT try that at home, kiddies… hot as that may have been to watch, it’s unsafe to blow air into a vagina, so you should NEVER do it). This movie is soft and cute enough to be appealing for someone new to watching porn, but with enough hardcore action to keep it interesting. Specifically, Leah Luv and her braces wrapped around Kyle Moore’s cock in an effort to derail him from his evil plans.

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