Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Betty Dodson shares all

Betty Dodson is my favorite sex positive, pro-masturbation, fabulous, sexuality loving woman. Here's a great interview with her that covers tons of different stimulating subjects from Queerness to SM to erotica to pornography, and much more.

She's been called the Mother of Masturbation and credited as one of the most important queer, sex-positive feminists in North America's sexual liberation movement.

Betty Dodson: In 1974 I came out in my book as a heterosexual-bisexual-lesbian. From then on, I was never asked about my sexual orientation. Until society accepts these variations of sex styles, or sexual preferences, none of us is free.

Interviewer: According to the Urban Dictionary the term "queer" has a wide definition including persons who are gay or lesbian, and/or transgendered; and/or are persons who engage in unconventional sex, bondage, bisexuality, or some form of crossdressing. Does this broad definition of queerness promote a more sex-positive society, do you think?

Betty Dodson: Absolutely! I love the term "queer." I agree that this broader definition is far more inclusive. Otherwise I'd have to say I'm a "heterosexual-bisexual-lesbian-SM-leather dyke-professional career masturbator." Phew! That's a mouthful. Some day I hope we will all just be "sexual."

In her honor, I vote we all all masturbate and/or have fabulous orgasms tonight, and raise our glass to the goddess that is Betty Dodson.

Essin' Em

Check out the whole interview at Xtra.Ca

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