Friday, May 4, 2007

Prehistoric Sex!

So apparently, humans have been having all kinds of crazy, non-monogamous, non-hetero, non-reproductively aimed sex pretty much since the beginning of time. Does this mean we're regressing and becoming more and more repressed?

Practices ranging from bondage to group sex, transvestism and the use of sex toys were widespread in primitive societies as a way of building up cultural ties.

According to the study, a 30,000-year-old statue of a naked woman - the Venus of Willendorf - and an equally ancient stone phallus found in a German cave, provide the earliest direct evidence that sex was about far more than babies.

“So much evolutionary theory promotes the idea that humans, particularly women, are preprogrammed for monogamy, but that is often simply overlaying science on a preexisting view of society,” she said.

They're basically saying that humans have always been kinky, have always had lots and lots of sex, and always have used sex toys. This is new and different?

Essin' Em

Read more about this at

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