Monday, May 7, 2007

Sex Survey Results!

Results have been released regarding an online poll about sexuality, and there are some interesting numbers (like 70% of women masturbate at least occasionally, 2/3 of women have faked an orgasm, and 94% of women enjoyed reciving oral sex) that don't really come as much of a suprise to some of us. But some facts were totally not what I expected...

A recent poll conducted online where people tend to answer more honestly because the Internet provides a veil of privacy, found 11 percent of women have never achieved orgasm during sex. Though 90 percent of women say they are orgasmic, only 22 percent always have an orgasm when making love. Another 31 percent often have orgasms, 15 percent reach climax half the time and 22 percent do sometimes. More than one third who responded report having multiple orgasms, and nearly two thirds admit that they have faked orgasm.

Most respondents said they aren't shy about initiating sex or telling their partners what they want: 90 percent sometimes initiate sex, and 84 percent talk to their partners about their sexual preferences. Yet the majority - 61 percent - do it only rarely or occasionally. Disturbingly, however, nearly half of the respondents reported being sexually abused--a figure that is frighteningly high.

An overwhelming 95 percent of women report they've had oral sex performed on them, and 94 percent find it pleasing. Ninety percent have performed oral sex on a partner, and 72 percent find it pleasing.

Of the younger folks surveyed, at least 65 percent of students say they have learned about sexually transmitted diseases and contraception in a high school sex education class, yet one in four students (25 percent) surveyed say they haven't had any sex education classes. More than half of students (56 percent) surveyed say if they are having a sexual health problem such as a suspected STI or pregnancy, they talk to a friend or peer counselor first. Nearly 60 percent of the students surveyed discuss sexual histories with sexual partners prior to intercourse. Most students (74 percent) agree that sex and contraception should be discussed in advance. However, when questioned about their first sexual experience, both men (34 percent) and women (24 percent) say that sex wasn't planned, and that things went further than they expected.

While it doesn't talk about the merits and disadvantages of the survey, amongst whom it was conducted, etc, it is still definately interesting to check out.

Essin' Em

Read all the exciting bits o' the article

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