Friday, July 27, 2007

Bra! Ra! Ra!

Whether you love them or hate them, bras are one of the most popular inventions to ever hit the market, and they are used (and/or burned) by women all over the Western World on a dailiy basis. What would you do if you suddenly had to figure out a new bra order to get a far better fitting, and much more comfortable bra?

Curvy women could soon find a bra revolution making life slightly more comfortable.

Until now, bra sizes have followed a formula devised in America in 1935

For 70 years bra designers have stuck to a formula which decides sizes through measuring under and across the bust.

But now researchers in Hong Kong have come up with a different mathematical equation which they say will produce shapelier outlines and greater comfort for Chinese women. If successful, their bra-sizing system could be adopted across the globe.

They say there are more than 100 key measurements necessary to produce the perfect fit, and bra sizes should be based on a new depth/width ratio - or DWR.

Writing in the International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University team says that a "woman's breast is a very complex 3D geometry" and the existing sizing system may be "inappropriate in the categorisation of breast sizes for bras".

As a result, the report points out, as many as 70 per cent of women in Britain are wearing the wrong-sized bra.

To risque for PBS gives them an A+ in my does anything that involves the amazing Betty Dodson.

Essin' Em

Are you one of the 70% of women wearing the wrong sized bra? Read on!

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